Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm still here!!

Heyy sorry I haven't been very faithful for all of you who read my blog!! My summer was SOO busy and went by SOO fast!! So anyways its school time again and that's pretty much the update LOL!! So anyways I do have some pics of Comargo Camp!! So I hope you enjoy!!
I babysat Randalyn and Autumn one day so that Kristen could go for a checkup with Nikayla so here I am with Autumn!!
This was in Bible bowl!! I know I look blurry but that probably means I was getting ready to stand up lol!! Well It sounds good!! :)
Just another service!!
Katrin was able to come on Saturday for the youth activities!! I wish she could've come more but I was glad she could come then!!
The Pink Panthers a.k.a. the WINNERS!!
Katrin and I on Sunday!!

1 comment:

Elaina Damon said...

Hey Lorna cool pictures! How's school going for you? It's going great for me!I'm still talking to my little friend from camp (luke) on the phone. Can you believe it?